5 checking the macro response and macro status, Operation and application – Siemens SIMATIC TIWAY 1 User Manual
Page 50

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 00
Non-repetitive, must be explicitly
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 = C0
Repetitive, auto enabled, will not
freeze exception
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 = 70
Repetitive, must be explicitly enabled,
will freeze exception data, will not
check first response for an exception
Example 2–3 Macro Options Byte — Bit Coding
The minimum macro reissue delay time word or double byte specifies the
number of milliseconds to delay before reissuing a repetitive macro. The delay
time ranges from 0 to 30,000 milliseconds in 10 millisecond increments. This
option only specifies the minimum time to delay the macro and should not be
used for time dependent applications. Heavy network loading could cause the
macro to be delayed longer than this minimum delay.
You can redefine a macro, but it must be disabled first with the
ENABLE/DISABLE MACRO command, which will clear the exception flag and
discard any outstanding responses.
Checking The Macro Response and Macro Status
The GATHER MACRO RESPONSE command collects one or more macro
responses. You can choose to retrieve the entire macro response buffer data
along with the Macro Response Status Word (MRSW) or just the MRSW. You
can also choose to retrieve all the buffers specified or just those with their
exception flags set. In addition to the command code, specify the Source
Identification number, the response type, and the buffer number or numbers.
The response type byte can be either code 00, 01, or 02. Code 00 instructs the
UNILINK Host Adapter to return all of the buffer data including the MRSW.
Code 01 will return all of the buffer data, but only for the requested buffers with
their exception flags set. Code 02 will return only the MRSW, for the requested
buffers that have their exception flags set. The macro response exception flag is
reset each time that the buffer data is retrieved with response type codes 00 and
01; it is not reset with response code 02.