Seagate Fibre Channel Interface User Manual
Page 429

Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
Write (10) command
Write (12) command
Write (16) command
Write (6) command
Unit Attention page
Unit Serial Number page
UnitOFL. See Logical Unit Off Line
Unrecoverable read error
Read (6) command
Unrecovered read error
Read (10) command
Read (12) command
Read (16) command
Untagged Queue
FCP CMND Payload
valid addresses
valid arbitrated loop physical address
Valid Vendor Version
F_Port Common Service Parameters
N_Port Common Service Parameters
Validity Bit
Extended Sense Data
Vendor Identification
disc drive inquiry data
Vendor Identifier
RNC Payload
Vendor Specific
Defect List header
Vendor Unique
BA_RJT Payload
LS_RJT Payload
RFT_ID Payload
Vendor Version
FLOGI Payload
PLOGI Payload
Verification Length
Verify (10) command
Verify (12) command
Verify (16) command
Verify (10) command
Verify (12) command
Verify (16) command
Verify Correction Span
Verify Error Recovery page
Verify Error Recovery page
Verify Recovery Time Limit
Verify Error Recovery page
Verify Retry Count
Verify Error Recovery page
Version Number
Device Behavior page
vital product data page codes
vital product data pages
Volume Overflow
disc drive sense keys
Write (10) command
Write (12) command
Write (16) command
Write (6) command
VS. See Vendor Specific
VU Information Length
RNC Payload
VU Information Lengths
RNC Payload
WCE. See Write Cache Enable
WP. See Software Write Protect
WR XFR RDY. See Write Transfer Ready
Write (10) command
Write (12) command
Write (16) command
Write (6) command
Write and Verify (10) command
Write and Verify (12) command
Write and Verify (16) command
Write Buffer command
Write Buffer header
Write Cache Enable
Caching Parameters page
Write Data
FCP CMND Payload
Write Data Only mode
Write Exclusive
Write Exclusive, Registrants Only
Write Long command
Write Protect
Mode Sense data
Mode Sense parameter list
Write Retention Priority
Caching Parameters page
Write Retry Count
Error Recovery page
Write Same (10) command
Write Same (16) command
Write Transfer Ready Disable
PRLI Accept Payload
PRLI Payload
Write, Read, and Verify Error Counter pages
Write, Read, and Verify Error Parameter Code