Seagate Fibre Channel Interface User Manual
Page 398

Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
Receiver sensitivity
The minimum acceptable value of average received signal at point
R to achieve a BER <10
. It takes into
account power penalties caused by use of a transmitter with a worst-case output. In the case of an optical path,
it does not include power penalties associated with dispersion, jitter, effects related to the modal structure of
the source or reflections from the optical path. These effects are specified separately in the allocation of maxi-
mum optical path penalty.
(See FC-PI-2, Section 5.9, Interoperability points, Figure 10, where
R = Bulkhead Receiver Con-
The fixed or stationary female half of the interface connector which is part of the transmitter or receiver.
Power returned to point S of figure x by discontinuities in the physical link.
Relative Offset (Offset)
The displacement, expressed in bytes, of the first byte of a Payload related to an upper level defined-origin for
a given Information Category (see Continuously Increasing and Random Relative Offset).
Relative Offset space
A virtual address space defined by the sending upper level for a single information category. The address
space starts from zero, representing the upper level defined-origin, and extends to its highest value.
Remote F_Port
The F_Port to which the other communicating N_Port is directly attached (see local F_Port).
Repeating ordered set
An ordered set which, when issued by FC-2 to FC-1 for transmission, is to be repetitively transmitted until a
subsequent transmission request is issued by FC-2.
Request Clock Synchronization.
Request byte count
Number of bytes to be moved by a data delivery service request.
Read Exchange Status Block.
Responder Exchange Status Block.
A field which is filled with binary zeros by the source N_Port and is ignored by the destination N_Port. Note:
Future enhancements to FC-PH may define usages for reserved fields. The reserved fields should not be
checked or interpreted. Any violation of this guideline may result in loss of upward compatibility with future
implementations which comply with future enhancements to FC-PH.