Seagate Fibre Channel Interface User Manual
Page 250

Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
LPN (Logical or Physical Notch)
The notch boundaries are based on the physical parameters of the drive. The cylinder is considered most signifi-
cant, the head least significant.
The notch boundaries are based on logical blocks on the drive.
Maximum Number of Notches
The maximum number of notches supported by the drive.
ND (Notched Drive)
The device is not notched. All other parameters in this page will be returned as zero (0) by the drive.
The drive is notched. For each supported active notch value, this page defines the starting and ending boundaries
of the notch.
Page Code
Notch page code.
Page Length
The length of the Notch page (in bytes). If the allocation length is too small to transfer all of the page, the page
length is not adjusted to reflect the truncation.
Pages Notched
A bit map of the mode page codes that indicates which pages contain parameters that may be different for different
notches. The most significant bit of this field corresponds to Page Code 3Fh and the least significant bit corresponds to
Page Code 00h. If a bit is 1, the corresponding mode page contains parameters that may be different for different notches.
If a bit is zero (0), the corresponding mode page contains parameters that are constant for all notches.
PS (Parameter Savable)
This bit is only used with the Mode Sense command. This bit is not used with the Mode Select command.
The drive is capable of saving the page in a nonvolatile vendor-specific location.
Starting Boundary
The beginning of the active notch or, if the active notch is zero (0), the beginning boundary of the drive. If the LPN bit is 1,
then the four bytes represent a logical block address. If the LPN bit is zero (0), then the three most significant bytes repre-
sent the cylinder number and the least significant byte represents the head number. When used with the Mode Select com-
mand this field is ignored.