Seagate Fibre Channel Interface User Manual
Page 368

Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
The disc drive assigns the logical blocks accessed by this command the lowest priority for being fetched into or
retained by the cache. The host knows the logical blocks accessed by the command are not likely to be accessed
again in the near future and should not be put in the cache memory nor retained by the cache memory.
The host expects that logical blocks accessed by this command are likely to be accessed again in the near future.
FUA (Force Unit Access)
The target accesses the media in performing the command prior to returning Good status. Read commands access
the specified logical blocks from the media (i.e., the data in not directly retrieved from the cache). In the case where
the cache contains a more recent version of a logical block than the media, the logical block is first written to the
The target satisfies the command by accessing the cache memory. For read operations, any logical blocks that are
contained in the cache memory are transferred to the initiator directly from the cache memory.
Logical Block Address
The starting logical block address where the target reads data from its medium. This field also specifies the starting logical
block address where the xor result data is written to the medium.
Service Action
The Service Action Code for the XPWrite (32) command.
Transfer Length
The number of blocks that will be read from or written to the medium.