Seagate Fibre Channel Interface User Manual
Page 202

Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
The drive only updates the cumulative values to reflect the number of events experienced by the drive, but the initiator can
set the threshold or cumulative log (00 or 01) parameter values using the Log Select command with the PC field set as
The drive sets the current log values to default values in response to a Log Select command with the parameter list length
set to zero and the PC field set to the applicable value (10b or 11b).
If an initiator attempts to change a current threshold value that is not available or not implemented for that log parameter,
the drive terminates the Log Select command with a Check Condition status, the sense key set to Illegal Request and an
additional sense code set to Invalid Field In Parameter List. The saving of current threshold parameters and the criteria for
the current threshold being met are controlled by bits in the Parameter Control Byte (PCB) (byte 2 of each of the Log
Parameter pages).
PCR (Parameter Code Reset)
And Parameter List Length value = 0—causes all implemented parameters to be set to the drive-defined default val-
ues (most likely zero).
And Parameter List Length value >0—causes the command to terminate with a Check Condition status. The sense
key is set to Illegal Request and the additional sense code is set to Invalid Field in CDB.
The log parameters are not reset.
Parameter List Length
This specifies the length (in bytes) of the parameter list that is transferred from the initiator to the drive.
No pages are transferred. This condition is not considered an error.
If the initiator sends page codes or parameter codes within the parameter list that are reserved or not implemented by the
drive, the drive terminates the Log Select command with Check Condition status. The sense key is set to Illegal Request
and the additional sense code set to Invalid Field In Parameter List.
If a parameter list length results in the truncation of any log parameter, the drive terminates the command with Check Con-
dition status. The sense key is set to Illegal Request and the additional sense code set to Invalid Field In CDB.
The initiator may send none, one, or more data pages, each of which is in the format specified in Table 123 and which con-
tain control information pertaining to the management and reporting of various drive log parameters. If multiple pages are
sent out following the command CDB, they must be sent in ascending page code value order. Also, log parameters in each
log page must be sent in log parameter code ascending order (see Table 123). The Page code (byte 0) specifies which log
the page pertains to. The page code assignments are listed in Table 126. Initiator cannot send page zero (0).
SP (Save Parameters)
After performing the specified log select operation, the drive saves to nonvolatile memory all log select parameters
identified as savable by the DS bit in the log parameter sections of the log page (see Tables 123 and 124).
Specifies that parameters are not saved immediately.
Log parameters are also saved after each thermal calibration if the TSD bit in the Log Parameters page (see Table 124) is
zero (0).
It is not an error to set the SP bit to one and to set the DS bit of a log parameter to one. In this case, the parameter value for
that log parameter is not saved.