Seagate Fibre Channel Interface User Manual

Page 383

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Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D



Validity checking of received transmission characters and generation of valid data bytes and special codes
from those characters.

Dedicated connection

A communicating circuit guaranteed and retained by the Fabric for two given N_Ports.

Dedicated duplex

A synonym for Class 1 dedicated connection.

Dedicated simplex

A unidirectional Class 1 connection with ACKs transmitted in Class 2.


An ordered set used to indicate a frame boundary.

Destination N_Port

The N_Port to which a frame is targeted.

Destination_Identifier (D_ID)

The address identifier used to indicate the targeted destination of the transmitted frame.

Device server

An object within the logical unit which executes SCSI tasks and enforces the rules for task management.


Data Field Control.

Discard policy

An error handling policy where an N_Port is able to discard data frames received following detection of a miss-
ing frame in a sequence.


The difference between the number of ones and zeros in a transmission character.


A term used to denote pulse broadening and distortion. The two general categories of dispersion are modal
dispersion, due to the difference in the propagation velocity of the propagation modes in a multimode fibre, and
chromatic dispersion, due to the difference in propagation of the various spectral components of the optical


Deterministic jitter.


Device under test.


Error_Detect_Timeout value.

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