SATO XL400/410 User Manual

Page 127

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Programming Manual

3. Command Code Quick Reference

SATO RISC Printers


b = Font width (50-999 dots*)


= Font height (50-999 dots*)

d = Font variation (0-9) as follows:

0 Standard

1 Standard open (outlined)

2 Gray (mesh) pattern 1

3 Gray (mesh) pattern 2

4 Gray (mesh) pattern 3

5 Standard, shadow 1

6 Standard, shadow 2

7 Standard mirror image

8 Italic

9 Italic open (outlined)


Data for Vector font.


Print Darkness. Specifies a new print darkness set-
ting. The lightest setting is “1”.


Reverse Image. Reverse image from black to white
and vice versa. Units of measure are dots.


Store Form Overlay. Stores a specified label image in
the printer’s volatile form overlay memory.


Recall Form Overlay. Recalls the label image from the
printer’s form overlay memory for printing.

0 (zero)

Replace Data (Partial Edit). Provides the ability to
replace a specified area of the previous label with new


Clear Print Job(s) and Memory. Clears individual
memory and buffers.

a = When not included in command, clears print jobs

in Multi-Buffer mode.

a = If included in command, specifies memory sec-

tion to be cleared

T Custom character memory, printer

& Form overlay memory, printer

X Clears all memory all memory and buffers

@, nn...n

Off-Line/Pause. Signals the printer to go off-line after
the completion of a print job.

nn..n = Optional 32 character message to be dis-

played on the LCD.

This manual is related to the following products: