8 power supply field replacement unit signals, 9 led indicators – Intel OCPRF100 MP User Manual
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OCPRF100 MP Server System Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.0
† Measured relative to the power supply DC common output ground pins.
Power Supply Field Replacement Unit Signals
Four pins are allocated for the FRU information on the power supply connector. One pin is the
Serial Clock (SCL). The second pin is used for Serial Data (SDA). Both pins are bidirectional and
are used to form a serial bus. The third pin is address line A0 of the EEPROM, and the last pin is
address line A1 of the EEPROM.
Inside the power supply, the highest address bit of the EEPROM A2 should be tied to +5 V
standby on the cathode side of the OR’ing diode.
The Vcc pin of the EEPROM should also be tied to the +5 V standby on the cathode side of the
OR’ing diode so that even during failure, the FRU information within the power supply can be
The write control (or write protect) pin should be tied to ground inside the power supply so that
information can be written to the EEPROM.
LED Indicators
There is a green power LED (PWR) to indicate that AC is applied to the power supply and
standby voltages are available when blinking. This same LED goes solid to indicate that all the
power outputs are ready. There is a yellow power supply fail LED (FAIL) to indicate that the
power supply has failed and a replacement of the unit is necessary. There is a yellow predictive
failure LED (PRFL) to indicate that the power supply is about to fail in the near future due to a
poor performing fan. This LED should be blinking to indicate the predictive failure condition and
should be latched into the blinking state once the condition has occurred. Refer to Table 5-15:
Power Supply LEDs and Output Signal State Logic for conditions of the LEDs. The LEDs are
marked as shown in Table 5-15: Power Supply LEDs and Output Signal State Logic.
The LEDs are visible on the power supply surface that is opposite the docking end. The LED
location meets ESD requirements. LEDs are securely mounted in such a way that incidental
pressure on the LED will not cause it to become displaced.
Table 5-15: Power Supply LEDs and Output Signal State Logic shows the LED indicator and the
control signals.
Table 5-14: Power Supply Kill Specification
Power Supply Kill Signal
Voltage Level †
4.5 V minimum
0.25 V maximum