IBM NETCOOL 4.3-W User Manual
IBM Hardware
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Supported Reports
- Overview
- Reporter Sets
- Reports
- CCM Server Quality Resource Detail Chart
- CCM Server Quality Resource
- CCM Sql Server Group
- CCM Sql Server Resource Detail Chart
- CCM Sql Server Resource
- CDR Call Distribution Detail Chart
- CDR Call Distribution Group
- CDR Call Distribution Resource
- CDR Quality Detail Chart
- CDR Quality Group
- CDR Quality Resource
- CDR Utilization Detail Chart
- CDR Utilization Group
- CDR Utilization Resource
- CDR VoiceMail Usage Detail Chart
- CDR VoiceMail Usage Resource
- Cluster Call Distribution Detail Chart
- Cluster Call Distribution Group
- Cluster Call Distribution Resource
- Cluster Erlang-B Group
- Cluster IP vs Legacy Detail Chart
- Cluster IP vs Legacy Resource
- Cluster Quality Detail Chart
- Cluster Quality Group
- Cluster Quality Resource
- Cluster Utilization Detail Chart
- Cluster Utilization Group
- Cluster Utilization MLH Resource
- Cluster Utilization Resource
- Cluster VoiceMail Usage Detail Chart
- Cluster VoiceMail Usage Resource
- Errors on Cluster by Codec
- Gatekeeper Availability Resource Detail Chart
- Gatekeeper Availability Resource
- Gatekeeper Device Quality Resource Detail Chart
- Gatekeeper Device Quality Resource
- Gatekeeper Interface Availability Resource Detail Chart
- Gatekeeper Interface Availability Resource
- Gatekeeper Interface Utilization Resource Detail Chart
- Gatekeeper Interface Utilization Resource
- Global VOIP
- K-Factor Detail Chart
- K-Factor Group
- K-Factor Resource
- Media Device Group
- Media Device Resource Detail Chart
- Media Device Resource
- Perfmon Active Calls Detail Chart
- Perfmon Active Calls Group
- Perfmon Active Calls Resource
- Perfmon MOH Detail Chart
- Perfmon MOH Group
- Perfmon MOH Resource
- Perfmon PSTN Detail Chart
- Perfmon PSTN Group
- Perfmon PSTN Resource
- Perfmon Security Detail Chart
- Perfmon Security Group
- Perfmon Security Resource
- PSTN Gateway Availability Resource Detail Chart
- PSTN Gateway Availability Resource
- PSTN Gateway Device DS0 Usage Detail Chart
- PSTN Gateway Device Quality Resource Detail Chart
- PSTN Gateway Device Quality Resource
- PSTN Gateway DSP Card Resource Detail Chart
- PSTN Gateway DSP Card Resource
- PSTN Gateway E1/T1 Availability Resource Detail Chart
- PSTN Gateway E1/T1 Interface Utilization Resource Detail Chart
- PSTN Gateway E1/T1 Interface Utilization Resource
- PSTN Gateway E1/T1Availability Resource
- Top 10 CDR Call Completion
- Top 10 CDR Call Duration
- Top 10 CDR K-Factor
- Top 10 CDR Number of Calls
- Top 10 CDR Number of Errors
- Top 10 Cluster Call Completion
- Top 10 Cluster Number of Calls
- Top 10 Cluster Number of Errors
- Top 10 E1/T1 Utilization Resource
- Chapter 3: Devices and Services
- Chapter 4: Element and Sub-Element Properties
- Overview
- AP_ifType
- CDRclusterId
- CDRcustomerId
- CDRsiteId
- cdrType
- clusterId
- customerId
- Element.NAME
- Element.STATE
- siteId
- VoIPCallMgrClusterId
- VoIPCallMgrCustomerId
- VoIPCallMgrDSPMaxChannel
- VoIPCallMgrFileSystemName
- VoIPCallMgrGatewayIpAddress
- VoIPCallMgrGatewayName
- VoIPCallMgrGatewayType
- VoIPCallMgrMediaDeviceIpAddress
- VoIPCallMgrMediaDeviceName
- VoIPCallMgrMediaDeviceType
- VoIPCallMgrProcessName
- VoIPCallMgrSerialOrDsp
- VoIPCallMgrServerDescr
- VoIPCallMgrServerId
- VoIPCallMgrServerVersion
- VoIPCallMgrSqlDbName
- VoIPDeviceType
- Chapter 5: Defined Resources
- Chapter 6: Sub-Element Grouping Rules
- Chapter 7: Collection Formulas
- Overview
- Data Collection
- Formulas and Metrics
- Formula Reference
- AttendantConsoleClientsOnline
- AttendantConsoleClientsRegistered
- AuthenticatedCallsActive
- AuthenticatedPartiallyRegisteredPhone
- AuthenticatedRegisteredPhones
- Availability (percent)
- BRIChannelsActive
- BRISpansInService
- CallDuration
- CallsActive
- CallsInProgress
- CauseCallRejected
- CauseChannelUnacceptable
- CauseDestinationOutOfOrder
- CauseInvalidNumberFormat
- CauseMisdialedTrunkPrefix
- CauseNetworkOutOfOrder
- CauseNoAnswerFromUser
- CauseNoChannelAvailable
- CauseNoRouteToDestination
- CauseNoRouteTransitNetwork
- CauseNoUserResponding
- CauseNumberChanged
- CauseOther
- CauseResourceUnavailable
- CauseSubscriberAbsent
- CauseSwitchCongestion
- CauseTemporaryFailure
- CauseUnassignedNumber
- CauseUserBusy
- CCM CPU Utilization (percent) (avg last 5 mn)
- CCM Media Device Registration Availability (percent)
- CCM Physical Memory Utilization (percent)
- CCM Registered CTI Devices (Nb) (Gauge)
- CCM Registered Devices (Nb) (Gauge)
- CCM Registered Gateways (Nb) (Gauge)
- CCM Registered Media Devices (Nb) (Gauge)
- CCM Registered Phones (Nb) (Gauge)
- CCM Registered VoiceMail Devices (Nb) (Gauge)
- CCM Rejected Devices (Nb) (Gauge)
- CCM SQL Server Availability percentage
- CCM SQL Server Cache Hit ratio (percent)
- CCM SQL Server free buffers (Nb)
- CCM SQL Server number active user connections
- CCM SQL Server number of blocked users
- CCM SQL Server number of locks blocking processes
- CCM SQL Server number of locks
- CCM SQL Server number of pending rw
- CCM SQL Server Total number of Pages
- Cluster Erlang
- Cluster Number of Direct VoiceMail Calls (Nb)
- Cluster Percentage of Company Calls (percent)
- Cluster Percentage of Drop Calls (percent)
- Cluster Percentage of Normal Call Clearing (percent)
- Cluster Percentage of Packet Lost (percent)
- Cluster Percentage of Successful Calls (percent)
- Cluster Percentage of TollBypass Calls (percent)
- Cluster Total Hours of Traffic
- Cluster Total Number of Company Calls (Nb)
- Cluster Total Number of Company IP Calls (Nb)
- Cluster Total Number of Company LegacyPBX Calls (Nb)
- Cluster Total Number of External Calls (Nb)
- Cluster Total Number of Normal Call Clearing
- Cluster Total Number of Outgoing External Calls (Nb)
- ClusterBlocking
- ClusterCallDuration
- ClusterCauseCallRejected
- ClusterCauseChannelUnacceptable
- ClusterCauseDestinationOutOfOrder
- ClusterCauseInvalidNumberFormat
- ClusterCauseMisdialedTrunkPrefix
- ClusterCauseNetworkOutOfOrder
- ClusterCauseNoAnswerFromUser
- ClusterCauseNoChannelAvailable
- ClusterCauseNoRouteToDestination
- ClusterCauseNoRouteTransitNetwork
- ClusterCauseNoUserResponding
- ClusterCauseNumberChanged
- ClusterCauseOther
- ClusterCauseResourceUnavailable
- ClusterCauseSubscriberAbsent
- ClusterCauseSwitchCongestion
- ClusterCauseTemporaryFailure
- ClusterCauseUnassignedNumber
- ClusterCauseUserBusy
- ClusterDropCall
- ClusterErlangB
- ClusterErlang
- ClusterForwardToVoiceMail
- ClusterIncomingCall
- ClusterInternalCall
- ClusterInternationalCall
- ClusterIntersiteIPCall
- ClusterIntersiteLegacyPBXCall
- ClusterIntrasiteIPCall
- ClusterIntrasiteLegacyPBXCall
- ClusterJitter
- ClusterLatency
- ClusterLines
- ClusterLocalCall
- ClusterLongDistanceCall
- ClusterMOS
- ClusterNbPacketsLost
- ClusterNbPacketsReceived
- ClusterNbPacketsSent
- ClusterOffNetCall
- ClusterOnNetCall
- ClusterShortCall
- ClusterSuccessfulCall
- ClusterTollBypassCall
- ClusterTotalCall
- ClusterTotalHoursOfTraffic
- ClusterUnsuccessfulCall
- ClusterVoicemailCallDuration
- ClusterVoiceMailCall
- ClusterVoicemailPackets
- CS
- DropCall
- DSP Card Availability (percent)
- DSP Card Resource Utilization (percent)
- EncryptedCallsActive
- EncryptedPartiallyRegisteredPhones
- EncryptedRegisteredPhones
- ForwardToVoiceMail
- FXOPortsActive
- FXOPortsInService
- FXSPortsActive
- FXSPortsInService
- Gatekeeper Buffer Utilization (percent)
- Gatekeeper Call Setup Quality (percent)
- Gatekeeper CPU Utilization (percent) (avg last 5 mn)
- Gatekeeper ICMP Inbound Errors (percent)
- Gatekeeper ICMP Outbound Errors (percent)
- Gatekeeper Packet Errors (Nb)
- Gatekeeper Total Number of Admission Rejects (Nb)
- Gatekeeper Total Number of Admission Requests (Nb)
- Gatekeeper Total Number of Concurrent Calls (Nb) (Gauge)
- Gatekeeper Total Number of Location Rejects (Nb)
- Gatekeeper Total Number of Location Requests (Nb)
- Gatekeeper Total Number of Registered EndPoints (Nb)
- Gatekeeper Total Packets (Nb)
- GatewayCallsActive
- H323CallsActive
- H323CallsInProgress
- HuntlistCallsActive
- HuntlistCallsInProgress
- ICRmx
- Inbound Loss (percent)
- Incoming
- Interface Availability (percent)
- Interface Availability (percent)
- Interface Availability (percent)
- Interface Bandwidth Utilization In (percent)
- Interface Bandwidth Utilization In (percent)
- Interface Bandwidth Utilization Out (percent)
- Interface Bandwidth Utilization Out (percent)
- Interface Packet Loss (percent)
- Interface Packet Loss (percent)
- Interface Throughput In (kbps)
- Interface Throughput In (kbps)
- Interface Throughput Out (kbps)
- Interface Throughput Out (kbps)
- Internal
- International
- IntersiteIPCall
- IntersiteLegacyPBXCall
- IntrasiteIPCall
- IntrasiteLegacyPBXCall
- isCallee
- isCaller
- Jitter
- Latency
- Local
- LongDistance
- MLQKav
- MLQKmn
- MOHMulticastResourceActive
- MOHMulticastResourceAvailable
- MOHTotalMulticastResources
- MOHTotalUnicastResources
- MOHUnicastResourceActive
- MOHUnicastResourceAvailable
- NbPacketsLost
- NbPacketsReceived
- NbPacketsSent
- OffNet
- OnNet
- Outbound Loss (percent)
- Percentage of Company Calls (percent) CME(Bulk) VOIP Cisco
- Percentage of Drop Calls (percent) CME(Bulk) VOIP Cisco
- Percentage of Packet Lost (percent) CME(Bulk) VOIP Cisco
- Percentage of Successful Calls (Nb) CME(Bulk) VOIP Cisco
- Percentage of TollBypass Calls (percent) CME(Bulk) VOIP Cisco
- PSTN Gateway Active DS0 Channels (Nb) (Gauge)
- PSTN Gateway Active DS0 Channels (Nb) (Gauge)
- PSTN Gateway Active DS0 Channels (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Call Setup Quality (percent) (Successful / Total)
- PSTN Gateway Call Setup Quality (percent) (successful / Total)
- PSTN Gateway Call Setup Quality (percent) (successful / unsuccessful)
- PSTN Gateway DS1 Active DS0 Channels (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway ICMP Inbound Errors (percent)
- PSTN Gateway ICMP Outbound Errors (percent)
- PSTN Gateway Network Errors (percent)
- PSTN Gateway Packet Discards
- PSTN Gateway Total Active DS0 Channels (Nb) (Gauge)
- PSTN Gateway Total Call Signaling Errors (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Total Calls per minute (calls/mn) (sum of all DS0s)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number Calls Rejected (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Calls (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Calls (sum of all DS0s)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Calls per mn (Calls/mn)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Calls per mn (Calls/mn)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Calls
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Successful Calls (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Successful Calls (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Successful Calls (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Total Number of Unsuccessful Calls (Nb)
- PSTN Gateway Total Packets per Second
- ShortCall
- SIPCallsActive
- SIPCallsInProgress
- SNMP Availability (percent) (avg last hour)
- SNMP Availability (percent) (avg last hour)
- SNMP Availability (percent) (avg last hour)
- SNMP Availability (percent) (avg last hour)
- SNMP Response Time (ms) (avg last hour)
- SNMP Response Time (ms) (avg last hour)
- SNMP Response Time (ms) (avg last hour)
- SNMP Unavailable (percent) (avg last hour)
- SuccessfulCall
- T1ChannelsActive
- T1SpansInService
- TollbypassCallDuration
- TollBypassCall
- Total Number of Calls (Nb) CME(Bulk) VOIP Cisco
- Total Number of Outgoing External Calls (Nb)
- Total Number of VoiceMail Direct Calls (Nb) CME(Bulk) VOIP Cisco
- UnsuccessfulCall
- VoicemailCallDuration
- VoiceMailCall
- VoicemailPackets
- Chapter 8: Discovery Formulas
- Appendix A: Configuration
- Appendix B: UBA Parameters Reference (443, Topology Editor)
- Appendix C: Template File Reference
- Additional Copyright Information