Intel IXM5414E User Manual
Page 195

Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E
transfer upload datatype
Use this command to specify the type of file to be uploaded from the switch.
transfer upload datatype
The datatype is one of the following:
Configuration file
Error log
Message log
Trap log (the default)
transfer upload filename
Use this command to specify the name of the file to be uploaded from the switch. The switch will
remember the last file name used.
You may specify the file path as part of the file name if the string is less than 31 characters.
Otherwise, use the transfer upload path command to specify the directory path.
This command is valid only when the Transfer Mode is TFTP. See transfer upload mode.
transfer upload filename
transfer upload path
Use this command to specify the directory path on the TFTP server where you want to save a file
uploaded from the switch. The switch will remember the last file path used.
This command is valid only when the transfer mode is TFTP. See the command, transfer
upload mode.
The Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E software supports the use of a TFTP
client. The TFTP client path statement requirement is server dependent. A path statement is
generally required to setup the TFTP client; however, the client path may remain blank. See the
following path setup example.
transfer upload serverip
Use this command to configure the IP address of the server on which a file to be uploaded is to be
It is valid only when the transfer mode is TFTP. See “transfer upload mode”.
transfer upload serverip
transfer upload start
Use this command to start an upload transfer. After the current settings are displayed you will be
prompted to confirm your decision. Note that issuing this command will close your connection to
the host.