Intel IXM5414E User Manual
Page 122

Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E
Bridge Priority
Specifies the bridge priority. The value may be between 0 and 61440. It is set in
multiples of 4096. For example, if you enter any value between 0 and 4095, it will
be set to 0. If you enter any value between 4096 and (2*4096-1) it will be set to
4096. The default priority is 32768.
Bridge Max Age (secs)
Specifies the bridge maximum age timeout value. The value may be between 1 and
40, and should be less than or equal to ((2 * Bridge Forward Delay) - 1) and greater
than or equal to (2 * (Bridge Hello Time +1)). The default value is 15.
Bridge Hello Time (secs)
Specifies the bridge hello timeout value, with the value being less than or equal to
((Bridge Max Age / 2) - 1). The default hello time value is 2.
Bridge Forward Delay (secs)
Specifies the time the bridge will spend in Listening and Learning mode before
starting to forward packets. Bridge Forward Delay must be greater than or equal to
((Bridge Max Age / 2) + 1). The time range is from 4 seconds to 30 seconds and the
default value is 15.
Bridge Identifier
The bridge identifier. The bridge priority is concatenated with the base MAC
address of the bridge to create the identifier.
Time Since Topology Change
The time in seconds since the spanning tree topology last changed.
Topology Change Count
Number of times the spanning tree topology has changed.