Intel IXM5414E User Manual
Page 106

Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E
it receives. If you select Admit All, untagged and priority tagged frames received on
the port will be accepted and assigned the value of the Port VLAN ID for this port.
Whichever you select, VLAN tagged frames will be forwarded in accordance with
the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN standard. The factory default is Admit All.
Port Priority Specify the default 802.1p priority for the port.
Click the Apply button to update the switch with the values on this screen. If you want the switch to
retain the new values across a power cycle you must perform a save.
Port summary
This panel displays VLAN information for all ports on the switch.
Indicates which port is associated with the fields on this line.
The VLAN ID that this port will assign to untagged frames or priority tagged
frames received on this port if the acceptable frame types parameter is set to Admit
All. The factory default is 1.
Acceptable Frame Types
The types of frames that may be received on this port. The options are VLAN Only
and Admit All. When set to VLAN Only, untagged frames or priority tagged frames
received on this port are discarded. When set to Admit All, untagged frames or
priority tagged frames received on this port are accepted and assigned the value of
the Port VLAN ID for this port. With either option, VLAN tagged frames are
forwarded in accordance with the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN specification.
Port Priority The VLAN Port Priority that this port will assign to untagged frames received on
this port.