Intel IXM5414E User Manual
Page 181

Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E
config telnet mode
Use this command to allow or disallow new Telnet and SSH sessions. If sessions are enabled, new
Telnet sessions can be established until there are no more sessions available. If sessions are disabled,
no new Telnet sessions are established but an established session will remain active until the session
is terminated or an abnormal network error ends it.
config telnet mode
config telnet timeout
Use this command to specify the number of minutes of inactivity that will occur on a Telnet or SSH
session before the switch logs off. A value of 0 indicates there will be no timeout and the session
will remain active indefinitely. The time is a decimal value from 0 to 160.
Changing the timeout value does not affect an active session until the session is reaccessed. Any
keystroke will also activate the new timeout duration.
config telnet timeout <0-160>
show telnet
Use this command to display Telnet settings.
show telnet
Telnet Login Timeout (minutes)
The number of minutes of inactivity that will occur on a Telnet or SSH session
before the switch logs off. A value of zero means there will be no timeout.
Maximum Number of Telnet Sessions
The number of simultaneous Telnet and SSH sessions allowed.
Allow New Telnet Sessions
Indicates whether new Telnet and SSH sessions are allowed.
User accounts
config users add
Use this command to add a new user account if the maximum number of users has not been reached.
user IDs can be defined.
config users add
config users delete
Use this command to remove a user account.
config users delete
The admin user account cannot be deleted.