E. procomm plus 32 software installation, Appendix e, P rocomm plus® 32 software installation – Motorola APS120 User Manual

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A p p e n d i x

P r o C o m m P l u s 3 2 S o f t w a r e I n s t a l l a t i o n


When you install the Procomm Plus 32® software, you should use the
Custom Installation option, n o t the Full Installation option.

In addition, please note the following items that need to be changed
during the Custom Installation pro c e s s :

* The Remote option should be de-selected from the list of items to

be installed. It is not necessary for operating the APS Custom PCI
software. (The Rapid Remote feature may not work properly with
certain video drivers and may cause fatal errors.)

* The Internet option should be de-selected, unless you are using

ProComm Plus for Internet access.