Motorola APS120 User Manual

Page 57

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APS Custom PCI fails to
access the overhead paging
system on your PBX
a c c u r a t e l y.

A P S Custom Outbound Port ,
P o rt 3, not connected.

A P S Custom Outbound Port
not allowed to access
O v e rhead Page Unit.

O v e rhead Paging Unit
i n o p e r a t i v e .

PBX Overhead Paging
Access String not properly
p rogrammed in the APS
Custom PCI.

O v e rhead paging unit

is busy.

• Check connection of APS

Custom Outbound Port ,
P o rt 3, to the PBX. Verify
the connection is correct and
the telephone line is a
s t a n d a rd analog telephone
e x t e n s i o n .

• Verify the telephone line has the

ability to access the overhead
analog telephone set to the line
and attempt to complete an
o v e rhead page. If successful
e n s u re the APS Custom PCI
PBX Overhead Paging Access
String is properly formatted
for the telephone system.

APS PCI fails to connect to

APS Custom unit using the

remote access.

A P S Custom PCI is not set to

use Remote access.

No phone number entered or

i n c o rrect phone number.

•Check the remote access check

box and re s t a rt APS Custom
P C I .

•Verify phone number entered

c o rre c t l y. If using an area
code, verify long distance is
c h e c k e d .

Continued on Next Page

APS Custom PCI fails to

connect to APS Custom unit

using a direct connection.

APS Custom PCI cable not

connected pro p e r l y.

I n c o rrect cable used for APS

Custom PCI.

APS Custom PCI cable not

connected to proper PC port .

APS Custom unit is busy (i.e.,

callers are actively connected

to the unit).

A P S Custom PCI is set to use

remote access.

Wrong connection type

s e l e c t e d .

•Check the APS Custom PCI

cable connection to the
PCI/Modem port on the back
of the APS Custom unit.

•Verify the APS Custom PCI

cable is a 9-pin NULL
MODEM type cable. If unsure
of the pin-out of a NULL
MODEM cable, call your
Lucent Hotline
S u p p o rt Number.

•Verify the APS Custom PCI

cable is connected to the proper
COM port on the PC.

•E n s u re callers are not connected

to the APS Custom unit
during the connection attempt.

•Deselect the remote access

check box and re s t a rt APS
Custom PCI.

•Exit APS Custom PCI and

verify the direct connect Com
p o rt is selected in the Pro -
Comm Plus terminal window.