3 copying an existing contact closure script, Copying an existing contact closure script, Digit string – Motorola APS120 User Manual
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Adding a Wi reless Page to a Contact Closure Script
To add a wireless page to a script, follow the steps below.
1 )
Select the Wi reless Page button on the Event Script Editor screen (Figure 3-6).
2 )
Select Yes or No to specify whether or not the system should sort user names
alphabetically by last name.
3 )
Using the mouse or up and down arrow keys, highlight the required name
and select OK. This identifies which user the unit will page.
4 )
If using alphanumeric pagers, you will be prompted to select the type of page
(numeric or alphanumeric) (see Figure 3-8).
• For numeric pages, enter the numeric
string and select OK.
• For alphanumeric messages, enter the
desired text string and select OK.
NOTE: Numeric pages can have a maximum
of 20 numbers. Alphanumeric pages can have a maximum of 30 characters.
5 )
Repeat steps 1 through 4 until all re q u i red user names have been selected. The
system automatically updates the Event Script Field as necessary.
6 )
Select OK.
C o p y i n g a n E x i s t i n g Co n t ac t C l o su re S c r i p t
The Event Script Editor also enables you to copy the Event Script Field to another script.
This is especially useful when diff e rent messages or pages need to be sent to the same
g roup of individuals or assigned to multiple contact closures. Multiple pre-defined
messages can be created for the same group of users, changing only the text portion of
the script. For example, you can send a message of “000” to inform paged parties that
help is needed with the telephones and a message of “111” to request everyone to meet
in the customer service area. Using the Copy command and changing the “000” to
“111”, you can send the same group of individuals both messages, eliminating tedious
re - e n t ry of all individuals to be paged.
To copy a script, follow the steps below.
1 )
Select the Copy button from the Event Script Editor screen (Figure 3-6).
2 )
The system prompts you for the script number to which to copy the existing script.
Enter the number and select OK. A confirmation message is displayed.
F i g u re 3--8: O v e rhead Paging Selection Scre e n
Digit String
4 )
When prompted, type the desired digit string.
5 )
Select OK. The system automatically updates the Event Script Field identifying the
type of page selected with the associated character (d) and digit string selected.
For example, for “Od1234”, “O” re p resents overhead, “d” re p resents digit string
and “1234” identifies the digit string entere d .