7 printing the database, 8 saving the database, Printing the database – Motorola APS120 User Manual

Page 41: Saving the database

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To print a hard copy of a database, including system passwords, user information and PBX
data, access the PCI Main Dialog screen (Figure 3-1) as described in Section 3.2.1, D e f i n-
ing Database Characteristics
. Select the Print option. The database file opens in Wo rd-
Pad®. Select the print option in Wo rdPad to print a hard copy.

N O T E : The database printout is

n o t a secure document. All information entered

into the database, including passwords, appears on the printed copy.


P ri n t i n g t h e Da t ab a se

3 • 25

The database consists of two files - the file extensions are .aps and .apu. The .aps file con-
tains the system parameters. The .apu file contains user information. Both files are store d
in the c:\Program Files\ProComm Plus\Aspect\APS2000 folder.

To back up the database, just copy the associated .aps and .apu files to another location.

For example, if your database is called Lucent1, you will need to copy both files
(Lucent1.aps and Lucent1.apu) to another location.


Sa v i n g t h e Da ta b as e