3 sending the database, 4 receiving the database, Sending the database – Motorola APS120 User Manual
Page 39: Receiving the database
The Send Database option allows the download of database information to the unit.
When you select the Send Database option (see Figure 3-14), the system first determ i n e s
if a rebuild of the database is re q u i red. If a rebuild is not re q u i red, the database is
immediately sent to the unit. If a rebuild is re q u i red, the software creates the APS Custom
unit database. Once completed, the database is sent.
To overwrite an existing database with an upload, follow the steps below.
1) Select Open from the PCI Main Dialog Box screen (Figure 3-1).
2) Highlight the name of the desired database and select OK.
3) The system asks you to confirm that you are finished with the current
database. Select Yes to return to the PCI Main Dialog screen.
4) Connect to the APS Custom.
5) Select the Receive Database option (see Figure 3-14). When the “Update
Complete” message is displayed, the upload is complete and the received
database is now the current database.
6) Disconnect from the APS Custom.
NOTE: If the database received has a different extension length than the PCI,
the PCI will automatically adjust to the received database’s length.
S e n d i n g t h e D at a b a s e
R e c e i v in g t h e D a ta b a s e
3 • 2 3
7. Click OK and return to the Main Dialog window.
8. Click the Connect button from the Main Dialog window.
All the features and operations for Remote Access will be the same as they are for the
d i rect connection. There are only two diff e rences. One, for Remote Access there will
be the addition of a dial-up window when the modem is actually dialing out. Tw o ,
the file transfers will take longer due to the reduced speed of the modem compared to
the direct connection.
The connection will fail if the connection type selected in the
P roComm Plus Data Te rminal window does not match the
connection method selected in the APS Custom PCI script.
If Park is used, Ports 1 and 2 must be configured to have the
ability to park calls to the defined orbits