2 specifying pbx line timing, 3 configuring overhead paging, Specifying pbx line timing – Motorola APS120 User Manual

Page 24: Configuring overhead paging

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Call Park

identifies the dialing sequence re q u i red to park a call. Call Park is a specialized
type of global hold that enables any individual familiar with the park orbit to
pick up the parked call.

Park Range

identifies the orbit or orbits in which calls are parked. Orbits do not
need to be sequential and you can specify up to 20 park orbits. Orbits
can be listed individually or as ranges of numbers, e.g., 1, 2, 4-7, 9.

3 • 8

The PBX Line Timing parameter (see Figure 3-4) specifies the Hook Flash Time and Off
Hook Pause Timing. The Hook Flash Time field can be any numeric value from 100 to
2500 milliseconds. The Off Hook Pause Timing field can be any numeric value from
300 to 6000 milliseconds. The default for both fields is 500 milliseconds.

Sp e c i f y i n g P B X L i n e T i m i n g

Co n f i g u r i n g O ve r h e a d P ag i n g

S t a n d a rd announcements and prompts are pre - re c o rded on the APS Custom. The APS C u s-
tom enables users to have one person re c o rd basic overhead paging messages, including u s e r
names, numbers and specific system messages. Overhead pages have two basic form a t s .

1) [name] please pick up the call parked on [number]
2) [name] please dial extension [number]
where [name] represents the called party, and [number] represents either the
parked extension or return call number.

R e c o rding of user names utilized for called party confirmation and overhead paging is
recommended and is re q u i red for overhead paging. Numbers 0 through 9 and system
messages “please pick up the call parked on” and “please dial extension” can be re c o rd-
ed as special announcements.

To re c o rd special announcements, press the


(star) key from the announcement selection

menu followed by one of the keys identified below.


“Please dial extension number”


“Please pick up the call parked on”




































