5 creating a group, Creating a group – Motorola APS120 User Manual
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C re a t i n g a G r o u p
3 • 19
F i g u re 3-13: Paging Group Setup Scre e n
To simultaneously page more than one user using local wireless pagers, configure the Gro u p
option. The Group option enables you to create up to 20 groups. The number of users with-
in each group is limited to 30.
To create a user group, follow the steps below.
1) Select the User Information Group icon from the PCI Main Dialog Box screen
(Figure 3-1). The Paging Group Setup screen (Figure 3-13) lists the potential
and current users in the group and their associated extensions. The Potential
Group Members list identifies all users with a local wireless pager; or for
existing group records, those users with a local wireless pager not already
selected. Users who do not have a local wireless pager are not listed on the
user group screen. When creating a new group, the Current Group
Members column is empty.
2) To select users to add to the group, highlight the user name and extension in
the Potential Group Members column and select Add. The user name and
extension move to the Current Group Members column.
3) Repeat step 2 until all required user names and extensions are moved to the
Current Group Members column.
4) When the group list is complete, select OK.