Programming the pbx, 1 configuring service port extensions for backup, Configuring service port extensions for backup – Motorola APS120 User Manual
Page 42: Configuring service port extensions for wide area, Paging or overhead paging, P r o gr a m m in g t h e pb x
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C h a p t e r F o u r
P r o g r a m m i n g t h e P B X
B e f o re activating the APS Custom, you must program the PBX. The
PBX can be programmed prior to or following the APS installation
and programming, but must be completed before activating the
unit. Use the guidelines below in conjunction with the specific PBX
vendor instructions to program the PBX corre c t l y.
To prevent losing incoming calls, assign the extensions associated with the two APS
Custom service ports to a hunt group. Users should forward their telephone extension
to the hunt group that will queue the calls for the APS Custom. For more detailed
information on hunt groups, refer to section 2.1, Understanding System Requirements.
F o rw a r ding Ser vice Port Extensions to a Hunt Gr o u p
If the PBX does not have a hunt group capability, then configure the two service port
extensions to rollover or forw a rd calls to each other when a busy signal or no answer
occurs. For example, if Port 1 is busy, the call is forw a rded to Port 2 automatically. Users
can then forw a rd their telephone extension to the first service port, ensuring that when a
new call is received, if the first service port is busy, the new call is forw a rded to the second
s e rvice port automatically.
If you are using wide area paging or overhead paging, you must configure the service
port 3 extension to be able to access the paging system and be able to access an
outside line.
Configuring Ser vice Port Extensions for Backup
Configuring Service Port Extensions for Wide Ar e a
Paging or Overhead Paging