Programming the aps custom, 1 installing the personal computer interface, 1 pci setup on windows 95/98/nt system – Motorola APS120 User Manual

Page 17: Installing the personal computer interface, Pci setup on windows 95/98/nt system, P r o g r am m i n g t h e a ps c us t o m

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C h a p t e r T h r e e

P r o g r a m m i n g t h e A P S C u s t o m

The APS Custom PCI enables you to:

Create, modify and store user databases

Store system information, including PBX parameters, port
data and paging data

Receive and send user and system information to the APS Custom

Send APS Custom system firmware

Provide access to the APS Custom unit via direct or modem

C reate and edit event scripts comprised of overhead announcements,
user names, wide area pages and local wireless pages

Associate scripts with contact closures

Assist the installer in testing the local paging system using
the Pager Site Survey



In s t al l i n g t h e P e r s on a l C om pu t e r I n t e r f a c e

To install the PCI software on a PC running Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0, follow the steps below.

1. Close any open applications.

2. Insert the installation diskette labeled “Install Disk 1” into the disk drive

(usually drive A:).

3. Click on the “Start” button and select Run to display the “Run” Dialog box.

4. Click on the “Browse” button to display the Browse dialog box. Find and

click on the 3 1/2” Disk Drive (A:) icon. Click on Open.

3 • 1

Before installing the APS Custom Personal Computer Interface (PCI), check the minimum
system requirements discussed in Section 1.2, System Requirements. If the PC does not
meet the minimum requirements, you may have trouble installing or using the software.

The PCI installation re q u i res the 3 1/2” diskette that accompanies the APS Custom PCI
s o f t w a re package (PEC 5338-SOF Com Code: 408129064) and a copy of Procomm
Plus® 32 communications software, version 4.7.

NOTE: Install the Procomm Plus software before installing the APS Custom

PCI as the APS Custom installation procedure checks for the existence
of the Procomm Plus 32 communications package (see Appendix E).


P C I Se t u p on W i n d ow s ® 9 5 / 9 8 / N T S y s t e m