Motorola APS120 User Manual
Page 51

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NOTE: The Main Menu does not specify
(star) as an option.
3. Using the telephone keypad, enter your extension number.
4. Enter your user password and press # (pound). The system will not re c o g n i z e
the password as valid until the # (pound) key is pressed.
5. The system prompts you to select the specific paging method from your
available paging options. Press 1 to select overhead paging, press 2 for
local wireless pager, press 3 for wide area pager or, if the User May Disable
Paging Option is set (see section, Selecting the User May Disable
Paging Option), press 4 to disable paging (see Figure 3-11).
6. To confirm and save your selection, press 1. To select a different paging
option, press 2.
When an individual is away from his or her desk and/or telephone, the APS Custom will
activate, allowing the caller to send a page. The type of page sent is determ i n e d by the
paging method specified by the user and the capabilities and functions of the PBX, including
call park support.
To ensure that the Park and Meet-Me Feature operates corre c t l y, the following
re q u i rements must be met.
The PBX must allow outside calls to be parked from either of the
APS Custom service ports (ports 1 and 2).
The APS Custom service ports must be analog Industry Standard
Telephone (IST) type extensions.
The PBX must also allow any extension in the building to retrieve or Pick-Up
a parked call.
The PBX must allow a minimum of two outside callers to be parked
simultaneously on the PBX system.
NOTE: Proper configuration of this feature requires the user to understand
the operation of the PARK/PICK-UP on the local PBX. Consult your
PBX manufacturer or supplier before configuring this feature.
S e n d i n g a P a g e