1 connecting to the unit, Connecting to the unit – Motorola APS120 User Manual
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To activate the Remote Access Options, you must first connect to the unit by selecting the
Connect to APS 120/360 option (see Figure 3-14). The software connects you to the unit
and enables you to select from the remaining Remote Access options.
NOTE: The serial port on the PC or remote modem running the APS Custom PCI
s o f t w a re must be physically connected to the serial port on the APS Custom.
NOTE: If the APS Custom is in use, it will not connect.
C o n n ec ti n g t o t h e Un i t
Before running the APS Custom PCI software, the desired connection type to be used for
communicating with the APS Custom must be selected in the Procomm Plus application.
If using direct connection, the proper Com port must be selected. If using remote access,
the proper modem must be selected. (Use modem PEC Code 2569-839).
To select a connection type, do the following:
1. F rom the start menu, launch Procomm Plus. The Procomm Plus Data Te rminal
window should appear on the screen. The connection type will appear on
the Quick Select Line at the bottom of the terminal window. If you do not see
the Quick Select Line, go to the View drop down menu and select this option.
2 . The connection type will be listed as “direct connect none” or “direct connect - Com1”
or something similar. An installed modem can also appear as a connection type.
• If APS Custom PCI is to use a direct connect, click on this field and select the
d i rect connect Com port the APS Custom is connected to.
• If APS Custom PCI is going to use the remote access feature to connect to the
APS Custom, click on this field and select the modem to be used.
3 . Run the APS Custom PCI script. (Click on the APS Custom PCI button from the
meta keys line on the lower left of the screen. If you don’t see the meta keys
line, go to the view drop down menu and select the meta keys option.)
4. Open the desired database.
5. From the Main Dialog window, click the System Data button.
6. In the System Data screen, look at the Remote Access Information area. If
Direct Connect is going to be used, make sure the Remote Access check box
is not checked. If a modem is going to be used to remotely connect to the
APS Custom, check the Remote Access check box and then enter the phone
number the APS Custom unit is connected to. Enter the 3-digit Area Code in
the Area field (Do not enter a 1 first as the 1 will automatically be added as a
prefix by the modem’s properties when long distance is checked.) Check Long
Distance for APS Custom PCI to include the area code in the dial string.
Configuring PCI Direct Connect and Remote Access Setup