A. frequently asked questions, Appendix a, F r e q ue n tl y a sk e d q u e s ti o n s – Motorola APS120 User Manual

Page 61

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I entered a valid two-digit extension number, but
the unit did not immediately recognize it.

A • 1

A p p e n d i x

F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s



The PBX Extension Length configured during

initial setup instructs the unit to wait for a specified

number of digits. For example, if you specified a

PBX Extension Length of four digits during initial

setup, the unit waits for four digits before playing

the associated name prompt. If your PBX has

some extensions with a length less than that specified

on the PCI database, press the # (pound) key

immediately after the extension number.

I entered a valid
password but nothing




You must press the # (pound) key after entering a

p a s s w o rd.

I selected a valid
announcement number,

but nothing happened.



You must press the # (pound) key after selecting an


Why do I sometimes
get a “BUSY signal” or

error tone when attempting to
pick-up a parked call?



A BUSY signal or error tone when attempting to
pick-up a parked call can result from several activities:

1) The caller hung up.

2) Another party picked up the call

(i.e., if the page was sent to a group).

3) The hold time was exceeded, and

the PBX timed out and forw a rded the call.

Why can’t Announce-
ment 1 be played




Announcement 1 is not designed to be played

o v e rhead. It is the customizable main system gre e t i n g

for the APS Custom. For more detailed inform a t i o n

on how to customize Announcement 1, refer to

section, Recording an Announcement.