4 creating user records, 1 entering user dat a, 1 setting/modifying user passwords – Motorola APS120 User Manual

Page 31: Creating user records, Entering user data, Setting/modifying user passwords

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C re a t i n g U se r R e c o r d s

The User Information feature enables you to add new users, and find, modify or delete
existing user re c o rds. To add, edit or delete user re c o rds, select the Records icon from the
PCI Main Dialog Box screen (Figure 3-1) to get to the User Records screen (Figure 3-11).

To create a new user re c o rd, follow the steps below.

1) Select the New button.
2) Type the last name, first name and extension of the new user.
3) Follow the steps identified for each specific field.

F i g u re 3-11: User Records Scre e n

User passwords are unique, four-digit codes that control individual access to user-
modifiable parameters, including the default paging method. Assigned, maintained and
modified by the administrator, user passwords can only be set, modified or deleted fro m
the User Records screen (Figure 3-11). Users do not have the ability to modify their
p a s s w o rd s .

S e t t in g / M od if y i ng U s er P as s wo r d s


E n t e r i n g U se r D a t a