2 modifying system data, 1 changing the access password, Modifying system data – Motorola APS120 User Manual
Page 21: Changing the access password

The System Data option enables you to review and/or modify current database
characteristics. You can modify both site and password information, including Caller
Entry Confirmation. Database Name and PBX Extension Length are static fields and can
not be modified.
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F i g u re 3-3: System Data Scre e n
To modify system data, access the APS Custom System Data Screen (Figure 3-3) by
selecting the System Data option from the PCI Main Dialog Screen (Figure 3-1). Select
the field to modify, delete the existing data values, and type the new system inform a t i o n .
Repeat as necessary to update additional system data.
Select OK to accept the updated system data, or Next to move to the PBX Parameters scre e n .
M o d i f y i n g Sy s t e m D a t a
To change the Access password in the APS Custom unit do the following:
1. Run the APS Custom PCI program. Then, open the database for the target
APS Custom unit.
2. F rom the PCI Main Dialog window, click the System Data button. In the System
Data screen (Figure 3-3), there are two APS 120/360 Access Password fields.
The Current APS 120/360 Access field will show the current Access password .
The APS Custom unit is shipped from the factory with its Access password set
Ch a n g i ng t h e A c c e ss P a s s w o r d