Motorola APS120 User Manual
Page 56

6 • 2
APS Custom does not accept
a “valid” extension number.
APS Custom database
not loaded.
APS Custom database
c o n f i g u red incorre c t l y.
• Using APS Custom PCI,
connect to the unit and
download the database. Ve r i f y
the extension in question is
c o rrectly entered into the
d a t a b a s e .
APS Custom answers calls
but does not respond to
DTMF key pre s s e s .
PBX not programmed for
DTMF operation.
DTMF digit duration is too
s h o rt .
Calling extension on the PBX
does not support DTMF dial
t h rough to called extension.
• Check for proper DTMF
p rogramming on your local
• Check for minimum DTMF
duration of 80 milliseconds.
• Verify the standard analog
telephone connected to the
APS Custom port can hear
the sent DTMF digits. If
DTMF digits appear to
be sent c o rre c t l y, call your
Lucent Hotline Support
N u m b e r.
APS Custom fails
to enter voice pr o g r a m m i n g
Busy signal r e t u rned
f rom PBX.
S e rvice Port 1 connected
i n c o rre c t l y.
S e rvice Ports 1 and 2 cro s s e d
(e.g., Service Port 1 connected
to service Port 2 telephone line
and vice versa).
PBX Transfer String not
p roperly programmed in the
APS Custom PCI.
P o rt 1 could be busy with a
c a l l e r.
• Verify Service Port Telephone
numbers c o rrespond to
telephone lines connected to
S e rvice Ports 1 and 2.
• Check the Transfer String
f o rmat in the APS Custom
PCI. Verify the Transfer
String follows the proper
f o rmat for t r a n s f e rring a call
f rom an analog telephone
extension. Verify the format
with your PBX vendor or
manual. Test the dialing
sequence manually on
another analog extension.
APS Custom does not
answer calls.
Red POWER LED is lit.
G reen IN USE LED blinks
on and off.
G reen PROGRAM LED is lit.
APS Custom connected to PCI
for database modifications.
APS Custom in p ro g r a m m i n g
mode to re c o rd names or
a n n o u n c e m e n t s .
APS Custom processing new
database information after a
download from APS Custom
P C I .
The unit is in programming
• This condition is not a
problem. The APS Custom
does not answer calls when
in Programming Mode.
Programming Mode is
active when the Green
The APS Custom
should begin answering
calls when the PROGRAM
LED is no longer lit.
• Exit programming mode
and wait for the program
LED to go out.