Fluke THE HART 1529 User Manual

Page 106

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value for the specified scale parameter. Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF pa-
rameter sets the scale parameter to the minimum, maximum, or default value

This command is password-protected. To access this command, the password
must be successfully entered using the SYST:PASS:CEN command
(see Section 9.4.11, Password Commands).

CALibrate:PARameter:LINearity? [MIN|MAX|DEF]

Returns the calibration linearity parameter for the specified channel.



This command only applies to PRT/Thermistor channels. Executing this com-
mand on Thermocouple channels generates a -294, "Incompatible type" error

The CALibrate suffix, , specifies the channel (1 to 4). This command
does not apply to memory channels. For PRT/Thermistor channels, the calibra-
tion linearity suffix, , specifies the resistance range parameter for PRTs (1)
or Thermistors (2). Note: For PRT/Thermistor channels, the value returned by
this command is always in ohms.

Specifying the MIN parameter returns a value of -9 when the linearity suffix
is 1 (for PRTs) and -9000 when the linearity suffix is 2 (for Thermis-
tors). Specifying the MAX parameter returns a value of 9 when the linearity
suffix is 1 (for PRTs) and 9000 when the linearity suffix is 2 (for
Thermistors). Specifying the DEF parameter returns a value of 0.

CALibrate: PARameter:LINearity |MIN|MAX|DEF

Sets the calibration linearity parameter for the specified channel.


This command only applies to PRT/Thermistor channels. Executing this com-
mand on Thermocouple channels generates a -294, "Incompatible type" error

The CALibrate suffix, , specifies the channel (1 to 4). This command
does not apply to memory channels. For PRT/Thermistor channels, the calibra-
tion scale suffix specifies the resistance range parameter (in ohms) for
PRTs (1) or Thermistors (2). The parameter specifies the value for the
specified linearity parameter. Specifying the MIN, MAX, or DEF parameter
sets the linearity parameter to the minimum, maximum, or default value

This command is password-protected. To access this command, the password
must be successfully entered using the SYST:PASS:CEN com-
mand (see Section 9.4.11, Password Commands).

1529 Chub-E4 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide