8 calculate:convert:print [|all [,]] 95, Calculate:convert:print [|all [, Page 101
Page 101

rameters available for the current conversion type, an empty string is returned.
The list of parameters depends on the selected conversion type. Characteriza-
tion parameters for the various conversion types are listed in Table 8 on page
124, Conversion Types and Parameters.
Returns the value of the specified conversion parameter for the specified
The CALCulate suffix,
nel (5 to 14). The parameter is the name of the parameter as given in
Table 8, Conversion Types and Parameters. If the parameter does not
apply to the selected conversion type, an error -221, “Settings Conflict”, is
generated. Specifying the ALL parameter returns the name and value of all pa-
rameters associated with the specified channel in a comma delimited list. If no
parameter is specified, the ALL parameter is assumed. The format of the re-
sponse consists of a parameter name, enclosed in double quotes, followed by its
value (i.e. "param1",value1,"param2",value2,"param3",value3,...).
Sets the value of one or more conversion parameters for the specified channel.
CALC2:CONV:PAR:VAL RTPW, 100.0145, A4, 0.0045
The CALCulate suffix,
nel (5 to 14). The parameter is the name of the parameter as given in
Table 8, Conversion Types and Parameters. If the parameter is not ap-
plicable to the current conversion type, an error -221, “Settings Conflict”, is
generated. The
parameters can be set using a single command by separating the and
the value must immediately follow the parameter name.
This command may be password-protected. To access this command:
• If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 0 (probe password-protec-
tion is disabled), the password is not required.
• If the SYST:PASS:CONV? command returns a 1 (probe password-protec-
tion is enabled), the password must be successfully entered using the
CALCulate:CONVert:PRINt [
Prints the conversion parameters for the specified channel.
8 Digital Communications Interface