ITC Hemochron Signature Elite Whole Blood Microcoagulation System User Manual

Page 66

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Enter the QC lot number, expiration date, and low and high limits for level 1 (normal) and/or level 2
(abnormal) controls. The limits that are entered may be from the expected range contained in the
labeling for the controls or from an expected range specified by the supervisor.


Click Save to save the QC lot number information for the specified assay.

Note: Cancel clears and closes the QC Lot Number Entry dialog box without saving entries. Exit
closes the QC Lot Number Entry dialog box.

Saving Modified Configuration Data
After configuration data has been modified, the data must be saved before it can be downloaded to an
instrument or used in the future.


Click the Save Configuration button on the Configuration Module dialog box (page 53) to display
the Save Configuration dialog box:


Enter a file name and/or revision for the configuration data to be saved:

To save the configuration data under a new file name, enter a name for the new configuration
file in the Configuration field and enter the revision number for the file in the Revision field.

To save the configuration data as a new revision of an existing file name, select the existing file
name and revision from the Configuration/Revision field and enter the new revision number
for the file in the Revision field.

To overwrite an existing configuration file, select the existing file name and revision from the
Configuration/Revision field.


(Optional) Enter information to describe the new configuration in the Description 1 through
Description 5 fields.


Click OK to save the configuration, then click OK to respond to the confirmation prompt.

Note: If an existing configuration file is being overwritten, a confirmation to overwrite the file is
displayed. Click Yes to overwrite the file or click No to cancel the operation.