ITC Hemochron Signature Elite Whole Blood Microcoagulation System User Manual

Page 32

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To Enter a Mandatory Operator PIN:


The PIN prompt is automatically displayed when a cuvette is inserted:


Enter the PIN using the keypad.


Press and hold ENTER. If an acceptable PIN is entered, operation of the instrument continues:

followed by

Note: An acceptable PIN is any string of up to nine numeric digits (other than 0) that matches a
PIN in the Operator Table.


If an unacceptable PIN is entered, ID is Not Valid is displayed followed by the PIN prompt.
Operation of the instrument will not continue until an acceptable PIN is entered.

Prompts for Mandatory QC Tests
Electronic quality control (EQC) tests and/or liquid quality control (LQC) tests can also be required to be run at
specified intervals (see the Configuration Manager section). When it is time for a required QC test to be run,
the required QC test must be successfully completed before the specific patient test(s) can be run. If EQC is
required, no patient tests can be run until successful completion of EQC.

Note: A specified limited number of additional tests per assay (911 exceptions) can be run after
a mandatory QC interval has been reached. Successful QC tests for an assay will
automatically reset the 911 exception for that assay. Consult the Configuration Manager
section for details.

To Run a Mandatory QC Test:


After a specified QC interval (see page 58 in the Configuration Manager section) passes without a
successful QC test, a prompt to run the required QC test is automatically displayed:



Press the QC key to display additional information concerning QC testing that is required (REQ):


If a cuvette is inserted for a test with an expired QC interval, the message LQC Expired is displayed,
followed by a prompt to run either a QC test or another patient sample (if the number of 911
Exceptions has not been exceeded):


Run the QC test according to the displayed prompts. If the results for the QC test are acceptable,
patient tests can now be run.