IDEC FS1A Controller User Manual
Page 93

Functions (Logic 6)
● Safety inputs: X0 to X13 (T0 to T13)
X0 and X1 (T0) function as mode select inputs.
X2 and X3 (T2 and T3) function as dual channel dependent inputs.
X4 to X13 (T4 to T13) function as dual channel direct opening inputs.
The combinations of inputs are shown below. Incorrect use of these combinations will result in an
error. The input monitor error detection time for dual channel direct opening inputs is 0.5 s. The
input error monitor detection time for dual channel dependent inputs is infinite.
For the operation of 1 contact of the dual channel dependent inputs, the behavior of SafetyOne is,
-ON→OFF→ON: Input monitor error is detected, and the state changes to the Protection state.
-OFF→ON→OFF: The state changes to the Protection state temporarily, and after that, the state
is restored to the Run state immediately.
(In these cases, the input monitor error detection time is 0.1s.)
For information about connected control devices, see “SAFETY PRECAUTIONS”
X0-T0, X1-T0: Safety input 1 (If X0 is ON, the selected mode is teach mode. If X1 is ON, the
selected mode is auto mode.)
X2-T2, X3-T3: Safety input 2 (Active only in teach mode. However input monitor error can be
detected in auto mode, too. If 1 or both contacts are OFF, the safety input is OFF.)
X4-T4, X5-T5: Safety input 3 (Active only in auto mode. However input monitor error can be
detected in teach mode, too.)
X6-T6, X7-T7: Safety input 4 (Active only in auto mode. However input monitor error can be
detected in teach mode, too.)
X10-T10, X11-T11: Safety input 5 (Always active)
X12-T12, X13-T13: Safety input 6 (Always active)
Safety check signals (pulses signals) are transmitted from the drive terminals (T0, T2 to T13) to
diagnose connected safety devices and input circuits. Safety check signals can not be used as
power for connected devices.
Note: Solid state outputs, such as safety light curtains, can not be connected.
Note: Do not use T1.
Note: If there are unused safety inputs in safety input 2 to 6, short between the receiving terminals
(Xn) corresponding to the unused safety inputs and the drive terminals (Tn). If they are not
shorted, the SafetyOne will not turn ON the safety outputs.
Note: If both of X0 and X1 are turned ON, the SafetyOne will detect an input monitor error. As a
result, the error LED displays “1” and the state changes to the Protection state. Input monitor error
detection time is 0.5s. If both of X0 and X1 are turned OFF, no error is detected, however, the
safety outputs are turned OFF.