Maintenance and inspection – IDEC FS1A Controller User Manual

Page 151

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Maintenance and Inspection


To ensure safety, use the SafetyOne after performing inspections described below and confirming
that the entire safety system incorporating the SafetyOne is operating normally.
The following checklist contains only the minimum items for use of the SafetyOne. Depending on the
machinery on which the SafetyOne is installed and the regulations that apply in the country or region
where the SafetyOne is used, additional inspection items may be required.

Note・ Record and store the inspection results.

Perform inspections with a clear understanding of the operations of the SafetyOne and the

machine on which it is used.

Daily inspection
Each day before beginning operations, check the following items.

Inspection items


Check that the power supply of the SafetyOne is OFF.

Check that the power supply of the machine being controlled by the safety output
of the SafetyOne is OFF.

Before turning ON the power supply of the SafetyOne, make sure that no person
is in the danger zone.

Check that there is no damage on the input devices and wiring.

Operate the connected safety devices, and check that they are operating

normally.(Ex. Press the emergency stop switch, shade the light curtain)

Periodic inspection
Every testing interval and after changing the settings of the machinery, check the following items.

Inspection items


Check that unintended changes are not introduced into the safety system.

Check that the safety system incorporating the SafetyOne operates as expected.

Check that the SafetyOne is installed securely. Check that the DIN rail hooks has
not come off and that the DIN rails and end clip screws are not loose.

Check that the connectors and the wiring are not loose.

Check that the protective cover is on the SafetyOne to prevent changes to the logic
or OFF-delay timer setting by anyone other than the safety responsible person.

Note: Refer Safety performance in “Chapter 2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS” about proof test interval.