Overview (logic 6) – IDEC FS1A Controller User Manual
Page 90

Logic 6: The logic applicable for selection of an active safety input device
Overview (Logic 6)
For production machines, robots, and the like, a hazard is generally isolated by a usual
protective door (guard); however, when performing maintenance, the machine is operated in
the condition that a person is in the danger zone. For such a situation, the logic described is
applicable to the mode selection between teach mode (maintenance mode) and the auto mode
(operating mode). This logic enables the connection of 1 mode select input, a dual channel
dependent input, and a four dual channel direct opening input.
While SafetyOne is in the teach mode, if safety inputs 2 (active only in teach mode), 5 and 6
(always active) can receive safety input signals (all contacts of the safety devices are ON),
safety outputs are turned ON upon input of the start input. While the safety outputs are ON, if
the safety input signal to any of the safety inputs 2, 5 or 6 have been turned OFF (the contact of
any safety device is OFF), the safety outputs are turned OFF after the preset OFF-delay time
has elapsed.
When SafetyOne is in auto mode, if safety inputs 3, 4 (active only in auto mode) 5, and 6
(always active) can receive safety input signals (all contacts of the safety devices are ON),
safety outputs are turned ON upon input of the start input. While the safety outputs are ON, if
the safety input signal to any input of the safety input 3, 4, 5 or 6 have been turned OFF (the
contact of any safety device is OFF), the safety outputs are turned OFF after the preset
OFF-delay time has elapsed.