FEC DSP1500 (SAN3) User Manual
Page 46

SAN Unit Operation Manual
PAGE 6 - 46
Chapter 6: System Operation
6.5 External LVDT Sensor
In applications which require the use of an external sensor to measure when actual part contact is
made and THEN determine what the final press distance would be, the use of an external LVDT is
required. The
System allows external distance data to be input from an LVDT
controller via an RS232 connection. This data can then be used to calculate a final target distance
based on actual part location, and not a predetermined distance.
If “LVDT” is selected (Data No. 0F) as the connected equipment, the press system will request
distance data from the LVDT controller when an external signal (Input pin 10) is turned on. The
LVDT controller will then send the measured distance data via RS232 to the Display Unit -
DP2/DP4 located on the press SAN controller.
(FEC uses SONY LVDT products: Controller: LT10-105C Probe: DT32P)
The [16: Distance Measurement Start Load value] is used for math calculation of the target
distance. The left most digit of this value must be set to “9” to enable this function.
Calculation method:
Final target distance = Target Distance - (LVDT data x last 3 digits of Distance Measurement
Start Load / 100)
Distance: 200mm
Distance Measurement Start Load Setup:
9110 (9 enables this function)
So: 200 - (10 x 110 / 100) = 189
New target distance is 189mm
RS232C data communication speed for communication with the LVDT controller is set up
using PARM 00 - 0A.
When the LVDT Data Read signal (Pin#10) is turned on, the system will output a BUSY
signal and 0.1 seconds later either the ACCEPT, REJECT or ABNORMAL signal will pulse
for 0.1 seconds to indicate the status of the communication. If the communication was
received successfully, an ACCEPT will be output. REJECT will indicate the communication
timed out. ABNORMAL indicates there has been a communication error.
The Display Panel will display “RS232” during communication and “END” if the
communication was received successfully. (The “RS232” display may be too quick to see
in cases where communication occurs instantaneously) “Err” will be displayed if an error
occurred during the read of the LVDT data.