FEC DSP1500 (SAN3) User Manual
Page 42

SAN Unit Operation Manual
PAGE 6 - 42
Chapter 6: System Operation
Data Number 61 - Load Hold Time
The press will hold the [13: Target Load] or [22: Target Distance] for the amount of
time set.
If 999.9 (1 figure below the decimal) or 9999 (no decimal point) is set, Load Hold Time is
set to no limitation. It finishes operating when the START signal goes OFF.
If using the “Advanced” signal, a time must be set. The “Advanced” signal will stay on for
this set time.
The set time for “F-type” tools should generally be kept to 1 second or
less unless duty cycle calculations have been done and the tool is
oversized for the application. If it is set and operated over 1 second,
abnormal 8-10 (overload abnormal) may occur.
Data Number 62 - Job Start Position
The press will go back to this position after operating.
If a Return Operation is set and the Start signal goes low (OFF), the press
will move to this position.
Data Number 62 - Return Load (when using “Load Return” return operation)
The press will return until it reaches this load after operating.
Data Number 63 - Load Change (Methods 4 and 6)
It sets the load value for detecting force drop when the operation method is [Load
Yielding Point] or [Load Yielding Point Stop].
A setting is possible from 0 to 105% full-scale value.
If 1 KN is set, it detects the 1KN force drop from the previous peak value.
Data Number 64 - Distance Offset
Distance Offset is available if the value set in parameter 00-0A (Distance Decimal Point)
is set to 2 or 3.
Due to the limitation of the display to 5 digits (4 plus the decimal point), when using press
strokes greater than 99.99mm, it is not possible to achieve greater than 1 decimal place
resolution using the [62: Job Start Position] as the starting point for distance calculations.
DISTANCE OFFSET allows you to specify an “offset” value to start calculating distance
data. The distance values affected by this offset value are [20: Distance Low Limit],
[21: Distance High Limit], [22: Target Distance] and [24: Press Speed Start
The result data value will be the absolute value (from the Job Start Position) minus the
Distance Offset value.
A setting is possible from 0 to stroke distance limit.
[23: Interference Check Distance], [60: Approach Distance] and [62: Job
Start Position] will also be effected by this setting if the Stroke Distance
Limit value and Approach Distance Limit are not set (if the setting is 0). If
these values are set, the pre-mentioned data values will be calculated
from the Job Start Position.
If distance offset is set to 0, it will be displayed with the set distance
decimal position.