Index – HTC Inspire 4G User Manual

Page 201

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201 Index



Access point 122
Adding a city to the Weather screen 121
Adding a city to the World Clock screen


Airplane mode 46
Alarm clock 118

- changing the alarm sound 35

Album (Gallery app) 146
Android Market 186
Answering an incoming call 40

- adding icons from the Home screen 31
- rearranging or hiding tabs 36
- switching between recently-opened

apps 21

App Sharing 188

- types of message attachments 68
- viewing and saving message

attachments 71

Auto focus 141, 144


Battery 12

- Battery compartment cover 8
- charging 14
- inserting 13
- optimizing 195
- removing 12

Blocking callers 45

- Bluetooth received folder 139
- changing phone name 135
- connecting headset or car kit 135
- receiving information 138
- sending information 137
- sending photo/video 144
- sending photos or videos 150
- sharing music 158
- turning on or off 135

Bookmarks 133

Bottom cover 9

- removing 9
- replacing 9

Browser 128


Calendar 107

- widget 114

Calendar events

- creating 107
- deleting 111
- editing 111
- inviting guests to a Google calendar

event 108

- sending an Exchange ActiveSync

meeting request 109

- sharing a vCalendar 112
- viewing 111

Caller ID 40, 41
Call history 44

- answering a call 40
- dialing by voice 41
- ending a call 43
- making a call 37
- putting a call on hold 42
- rejecting a call 40
- switching between calls 42

Call services 46
Camera 140
Car Panel 171
Charging the battery 14
Chat invitations

- accepting 91
- inviting a friend in Google Talk 92

Chatting in Google Talk 91
Checking information about your phone


Checking notifications from social

networks 90

Checking weather 120
Clock 115
Clock widget (HTC) 115