HP 16V User Manual

Page 155

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connecting to computer 1-15 to 1-19

nomenclature l-l to l-3

operational problems 5-8

repacking 4-l8
resetting 2-4, 2-6

Printer drivers

installation l-22 to l-25

operating environment vi

Printer status indications 5-l5

a test page offline l-20

feeding sheets manually 2-30 to 2-31

on letterhead 2-24, 2-34
on nonstandard size papers and envelopes


on transparency material 2-24 to 2-25
supported paper types and sizes

2-21 to 2-25, C-4

Printing a trial document with a printer driver


Printing area 2-23
Printing performance C-2

error indications 5-11 to 5-13
operational 5-8
paper jams 5-l to 5-7
print quality 5-9

when printing a trial document l-30

Ready, definition of 2-3
Rear stacker setting up 2-34
Repacking the printer 4-l8
RESET button 2-4, 2-6
RESET MENU button 2-4, 2-12

the print unit counter 4-15
the printer 2-6

Resident fonts, samples of A-l to A-3

RS-232C serial interface

See Serial interface

Scalable fonts, resident

available fonts C-3
samples of A-l to A-3

SELF TEST button 2-4, 2-6

Self test menu 2-6 to 2-7
Serial interface

how to connect 1-17 to 1-19
parameter setting 1-18 to 1-19

Setting up

printer in menu mode 2-12

rear stacker 2-32

Software set v, 1-6, l-22
Specifications c-1 to c-4
Status indication 5-14, 5-l5
Status report

Action required 5-l5

No action required 5-l3

Supplies, ordering information B-l

Temperature limitations 1-4, C-l

Toner bottle

installation procedure l - 7 t o l - 9

ordering information B - l

replacement procedure 4-2 to 4-5

Transparencies 2-24
TRAY SELECT button 2-4, 2-10
Two-sided printing 2-34

Warning messages 5-l6

IN-4 User´s Manual