HP 16V User Manual

Page 147

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The means by which information is transferred from one part of a

system to another. For example, the cable between the printer and
the computer is an interface.

IS0 symbol set

IS0 stands for “International Organization for Stanardization”. An
IS0 symbol set contains special international characters that replace

the following twelve ASCII characters: and

IS0 symbols sets are available for most European languages,

Chinese, and Japanese.


A protocol for an easy AppleTalk that connects devices and

computers in a Macintosh system, developed by Apple Computer.


The space at the edges of a page in which no printing occurs. There

are four margins: left, right, top, and bottom. In application
software, margins are usually expressed in inches, centimeters, or
points. In printer commands, left and right margins are specified as

columns, while top and bottom margins are specified as lines.

Page printers have a minimum margin, typically of about .2 inch (5

mm), on all four sides, called the nonprint margin. No printing

occurs in this margin. If the application sofware specifies a margin

of 0, actual printing begins at the edge of the nonprint margin. See

also Printable area.


A printer management integrated software which monitors printer

status, displays optional printer’s features, spools print data, and
cooperates with printer drivers. It also displays the virtual printer
control panel to allow remote operation of printers.


The direction of print on a page. Printing such that the shorter edges

of the paper are at the top and bottom is called portrait orientation.


User’s Manual