Using the magnify feature, Correcting the keystone distortions – Hitachi CP-X268AWF User Manual
Page 32

Using the magnify feature
Press the ON button of MAGNIFY on the remote control.
The “MAGNIFY” indication will appear on the screen
(although the indication will disappear in several seconds with
no operation), and the projector will enter the MAGNIFY mode.
To move the zoom area, press the POSITION button in the MAGNIFY mode,
zoom area, press the POSITION button again.
To exit the MAGNIFY mode and restore the screen to normal, press the OFF
button of MAGNIFY on the remote control.
Ɣ7KHSURMHFWRUDXWRPDWLFDOO\H[LWVWKH0$*1,) changed, or when the display condition is changed. Ɣ$OWKRXJKLQWKH0$*1,) will be restored when the projector exits the MAGNIFY mode. Operating Correcting the keystone distortions 1. Press the KEYSTONE button on the screen to aid you in correcting the distortion. 2. 8VH WKH FXUVRU EXWWRQV Ÿź WR VHOHFW perform the following. 1) AUTO executes automatic vertical keystone correction. 2) MANUAL displays a dialog for vertical keystone correction. 8VHWKHEXWWRQVŸźIRUDGMXVWPHQW To close the dialog and complete this operation, press Ɣ7KHDGMXVWDEOHUDQJHIRUFRUUHFWLRQZLOOYDU\DPRQJLQSXWV)RUVRPHLQSXWWKLV function may not work well. Ɣ:KHQ9,19(57RU+ 9,19(57LVVHOHFWHGWRWKH0,5525LWHPLQWKH SETUP menu, if the projector screen is inclined or angled downward, the Auto Ɣ:KHQWKH]RRPDGMXVWPHQWLVVHWWRWKH7(/(WHOHSKRWRIRFXVWKLVFRUUHFWLRQ may be excessive. This function should be used when the zoom adjustment is ƔWhen vertical degree is almost 0 degree, the automatic keystone distortion correction may not work. ƔWhen vertical degree is almost ±30 degree, the automatic keystone distortion correction may not work well. ƔThis function will be unavailable when Transition Detector is on ( 50). HOME PAGE UP PAGE DOWN END FREEZE OFF ON MAGNIFY MUTE VOLUME KEYSTONE MY BUTTON 1 2 HOME PAGE UP PAGE DOWN END VIDEO RGB SEARCH ON MAGNIFY ASPECT AUTO BLANK MUTE VOLUME -';5610' #761':'%76' /#07#.
remote control. A dialog will appear on the
the KEYSTONE button again. Even if you don’t do
anything, the dialog will automatically disappear after
a few seconds.
Keystone function may not work correctly.
set to the WIDE (wide-angle focus) whenever possible.