And display the following message – HP 24SII User Manual
Page 85

Enter P for Printer, C for Computer, ENTER for no change :
When you strike the Enter key for no change, the Model 24SII DES
will respond with a reconfigured status menu, similar to:
| Port | Logical Name | Port | Port |Prnt|
| | | Type | Desig |Assn|
| 1 |Device A | Serial | Computer | 0 |
| 2 |Device B | Serial | Printer |1-2 |
| 3 |Device C | Serial | Computer | 0 |
| 4 |Device D | Serial | Printer |1-4 |
Enter Port Number (ENTER=Exit) :
You may now designate another port or exit by striking the Enter key.
The Model 24SII DES will save the new Port Designations
permanently in non-volatile memory and will subsequently power-up
with the new Port Designations in effect.
The Model 24SII DES will now return to the main configuration menu
Section 8.1
) and display the following message:
Change your devices to match new configuration
This reminds you to connect the proper device to a newly configured
computer or printer port. Computers and modems connect to
computer ports. Printers and plotters connect to printer ports.