HP 2240 User Manual
Page 269

A workstation that is not part of a cluster. See also cluster.
Style Manager
The HP VUE application that provides the ability to customize vari-
ous aspects of your system, including colors, fonts, the keyboard, the
mouse, session startup and termination behavior, and access to other
A directory that is located in, or anywhere on a path below, another
directory. The directory above the subdirectory is called the parent
directory. The subdirectory is also referred to as the child directory.
See also parent directory.
A user with permission to enter the top–level directory and make
changes to files and programs that users are not allowed to change. To
“become superuser” or “become root” means to let the system know
that you are now assuming the role of system administrator. You can
do this either by logging into the system as root, or by typing su at a
command–line prompt. You must know the root password to become
system administrator
The person responsible for system and network installation, updating,
maintenance, and security at your site.
system call
Invocation of a kernel process by a user program.