Pixelate, Pixel twist, Raindrop – High End Systems DL.3 User Manual
Page 190: Pixelate pixel twist raindrop

Effect Mode Options Descriptions
DL.3 Digital Light User Manual
Effect Mode parameter DMX value = 54
This options divides the image into rectangles using the center pixel color of each “box” as it’s
color. You can control the number of boxes, and adjust the vertical and horizontal dimensions.
Modifier 1: Controls the number of divisions. Fewer, larger boxes will also result in reduced
color variations.
Modifier 2: Reduces the box size horizontally to centerpoint from 0= no reduction to 255
(100%) = full reduction. At that point, the image will then be composed of series of horizontal
Modifier 3: Reduces the box size vertically to centerpoint from 0= no reduction to 255 (100%)
= full reduction. At that point, the image will then be composed of series of vertical bands.
This option is also available as a Visual Mode adjusted with 2 Modifier
parameters, (see ShakeNBake on page 99).
Pixel Twist
Effect Mode parameter DMX value = 34
This option introduces a twisted area to the image and allows to you size it and move it in the
Modifier 1: Controls the horizontal position of the twisted area’s centerpoint from 0=left edge
to 255 (100%) = right edge of output.
Modifier 2: Controls the vertical position of the twisted area’s centerpoint from 0=top edge to
255 (100%) = bottom edge of output.
Modifier 3: Controls the direction and amount of twist. At the midpoint of the range, there is
no change in the image. The twist area and size moves counterclockwise from 128 (50%) =
smallest area to 0 = largest twist area moving counterclockwise. The twist area and size moves
clockwise from 128 (50%) = smallest area to 255 (100%)= largest twist area moving
Effects Mode parameter DMX value = 46
This option simulates raindrops falling on a liquid surface.
Modifier 1: Controls the drop size from 0 = no drop to 255 (100%) = maximum size.
Modifier 2: Sets the random number generator seed number. This lets you create a repeatable
random sequence that will synchronize correctly when using the collage generator option, see
page 13-153.
Modifier 3: Adjusts the raindrop creation rate from 0 = no adjustment to 255 (100%) =
maximum rate.
Object Effect
Global Effect
Object Effect
Global Effect
Object Effect
Global Effect