Faux tile, Film roll, Faux tile film roll – High End Systems DL.3 User Manual
Page 181

Effect Mode Options Descriptions
DL.3 Digital Light User Manual
Faux Tile
Effect Mode parameter DMX value = 56
This options creates divides the image into a grid of tiles with simulated lighting at the edges.
The color of the center pixel in each cell defines the solid color for that tile. You can control the
number and spacing of tile, choose between a black and white grid and adjust color peaking.
Modifier 1: Controls the tile size. The default DMX value of 0 displays a 100 x 100 grid of tiles.
Increasing the DMX value decreases the grid divisions to a minimum of 10 x 10 at a value of 255
NOTE: A small number of larger “tiles” will also result in reduced color variation.
This option is also available as a Visual Mode adjusted with 2 Modifier
parameters, (see Faux Tile on page 87).
Modifier 2: Adjusts the grid spacing and color around each tile. A DMX value of 0 = the mini-
mum black line between tiles. The spacing increases to a maximum at a DMX value of 127
(49%). At a value of 128 (50%), the space between tiles reverts to the minimum spacing and
turns white. Increasing the value further increases the white spacing to a maximum at a DMX
value of 255 (100%).
Modifier 3: Adjusts the color peaking to simulate lighting at the tile edges. A DMX value of 0 =
no adjustment and flat color across the tile. As you increase the DMX value, the peaking
increases to a maximum at 255 (100%).
Film Roll
Effect Mode parameter DMX value = 53
This option scrolls the media file texture horizontally or vertically independent from the 3-D
object it overlays, and allows you to control the scrolling speed and image scaling.
Modifier 1: The default DMX value of 128 (50%) = no adjustment. Values below the midpoint
scroll left, increasing in speed as you approach 0. Values above the midpoint scroll right,
increasing in speed to 255 (100%).
Modifier 2: The default DMX value of 128 (50%) = no adjustment. Values below the midpoint
scroll down, increasing in speed as you approach 0. Values above the midpoint scroll up,
increasing in speed to 255 (100%).
Modifier 3: Scales the image from 0 = no adjustment to maximum tiling at 255.
This option is also available as a Visual Mode adjusted with 2 Modifier
parameters, (see Film Roll on page 88).
Object Effect
Global Effect
Object Effect
Global Effect