Epson 10000XL User Manual

Page 92

background image




Safety instructions, 84 to 85
Scaling images, 30

buttons, 68
cleaning, 66
lights, 68
moving, 65
problems, 69 to 70
transportation lock, 65


area, selecting, 15 to 16
batches of images, 38 to 40
film, 47 to 51
into an application, 13 to 26
modes, 12
multiple images, 17, 39 to 40
negatives, 47
photos, 18 to 20, 23 to 26
previewing scans, 14 to 17, 20, 25, 39 to 40,

50, 58, 71

reflective documents with TPU, 52
slides, 47
text for editing, 21 to 23
to a file, 27

Scanning Quality setting, 25, 50
Service, 77 to 78
Silverfast, see Lasersoft Imaging Silverfast
Slides, scanning, 47

problems, 71 to 74
uninstalling, 75 to 76
updates, 67


automatic document feeder, 56, 81
electrical, 80
environmental, 80
FireWire interface, 80 to 81, 83 to
scanner, 79 to 81
transparency unit, 81
USB interface, 80

Start button

location, 68
problems, 70
using, 41 to 42

Support, 77 to 78
System requirements, 83 to 84


Target Size setting, 16, 25
Technical support, 77 to 78
Text scanning, 21 to 23
Threshold setting, 23, 72
Thumbnail preview

problems, 71
selecting, 15

Tone correction, 26, 51
Transparency unit

installing, 45 to 46
problems, 70, 72
purchasing, 43
scanning film, 49 to 51
scanning reflective documents, 52
specifications, 81
transportation lock, 45, 70
unpacking, 44

Transportation lock

scanner, 65
transparency unit, 45, 70

Transporting scanner, 65

automatic document feeder, 59 to 60, 68, 70

to 71

image quality, 72 to 74
scanner, 69 to 70
software, 71 to 74
transparency unit, 70, 72 Page 92 Friday, June 4, 2004 1:57 PM