Epson 10000XL User Manual

Page 16

background image


Scanning Basics

in the Thumbnail preview screen, the document table area is already cropped out,
but you may still need to apply a marquee to remove any borders.

By target size

If you know how you plan to use the final image (for example, if you’re printing it
as a 4 × 6 photo or digitally projecting it), you can create a marquee with exactly
the right proportions. On EPSON Scan’s main screen, select a

Target Size

(under the Destination settings), then click the

icon to choose either portrait

or landscape orientation. Move and resize the marquee as needed.

Once you select the scanning area, image quality adjustments are automatically
applied within the marquee (unless you’ve turned off

Continuous auto exposure


see page 32). For best results, do not include borders when selecting the image area.

Moving and Resizing Marquees

Once you’ve created a marquee, you can move and resize it if necessary.

To move the marquee, place the cursor within its borders.
When the cursor turns to a hand symbol, click and drag
the marquee to a new position. Hold down the



to limit movement to the horizontal or vertical directions.

To resize the marquee, place the cursor on its edge or
corner. When the cursor turns into an arrow symbol, click
and drag to resize the selection area. Hold down the


key to resize the marquee proportionally.

If you’re viewing your image on the Thumbnail preview screen
and it appears sideways or upside down, click the

button to

rotate the image upright. Click the

button to create a

mirror image.

Applying Image Adjustments

After positioning the marquee where you want it, you can make additional image
quality adjustments. The adjustments apply only to the selected area.

See page 26 for more information about applying basic exposure and color
adjustments. You can also restore color or apply special filters to enhance your images,
as described on page 33. Page 16 Friday, June 4, 2004 1:57 PM