Operating the venu360, Editing processing module parameters (edit mode), Or more information on using edit mode, see – dbx DriveRack VENU360 Loudspeaker Management System User Manual

Page 45: Editing processing

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Operating The VENU360

This section of the manual describes how to edit VENU360 audio processing parameters and manage presets.

Editing Processing Module Parameters (Edit Mode)

To edit a processing module’s parameters:

1. Press the EDIT button.

2. Select the module you wish to edit

using the SELECT wheel and UP/

DOWN buttons.

3. Press SELECT to enter the

module’s Edit menu. Use the

SELECT wheel and UP/DOWN

buttons to select and edit

parameters and options. See TIP 1

and TIP 2 following table.

4. When done editing, press the

BACK button to exit the menu.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 to edit

additional modules.

5. When done editing, press the

BACK button repeatedly to return

to the Home screen.

TIP 1:

The menu can be navigated using either the




buttons or by pressing the


wheel to jump back

and forth between columns for DriveRack PA2-style menu navigation.

TIP 2:

Pressing and holding the


button when in a module’s Edit menu will automatically navigate to the next

module down in the configuration map column, for fast in-menu navigation between like processing modules.