Precision Digital PD6730X User Manual
Page 75

PD6730X Vantageview Super Snooper Modbus Scanner
Instruction Manual
The available parameters for PAR1, PAR2, and PAR3 show above are detailed below.
PAR Selection
PV 1
Modbus PV1
The scaled PV1 value; PV2 to PV16 also selectable
CV 1
Math Channel CV1
The math channel CV1 value; CV2 to CV4 also selectable
The pulse rate display rate value
The total display value
Grand Total
The grand total display value
Nested Absolute Value*
Abs(L2 PAR1)
Nested Square Root*
√(L2 PAR1)
Nested Addition*
L2P1 + L2P2
Nested Difference*
L2P1 - L2P2
Nested Multiplication *
L2P1 * L2P2
Nested Division*
L2P1 / L2P2
Nested Absolute diff. *
Abs(L2P1 - L2 PAR2)
Nested Weighted avg.*
((L2P1 – L2P2)* L2P3) + L2P2
Nested Draw*
((L2P1 / L2P2) – 1) * L2P3
Nested Ratio*
(L2P1 / L2P2) * L2P3
Nested Concentration*
L2P1 / (L2P1 + L2P2) * L2P3
Constant value of 0.0001 to 99999
None No
*Selecting this math function as a parameter will enter into the setup for a Nested Math Function. These
parameters are not available for level 2 parameters used when setting up the nested math function.
Nested Math Functions
To create more complicated math functions, the first level parameters allow a math function to be
selected as the parameter. In this case, a second level of parameters is selected for the nested math
function. These level 2 parameters are level 2 parameter 1, L2P1 (L2P1); level 2 parameter 2, L2P2
(L2P2); level 2 parameter 3, and L2P3 (L2P3). Level 2 parameters are selected similarly to other math
parameters; however additional nested math functions are unavailable for selection.
Entering a Constant Value
To enter a constant value, press Enter to select Constant (CONST). Value (VALUE) will display. Press
to confirm and enter a constant value. V.DP will display. Use the Up and Right arrows to select the
number of decimal points used in the constant value. Press Enter to select the number of decimal points
selected. Value will display. Set the constant value. See Setting Numeric Values on page 24 for more
No Parameter (NONE)
Selecting a parameter of None will disable the math function. Any math function with a parameter of None
will display None (NONE) on the display as the value of the math function.
Gate Function (GATE)
The gate function is used for displaying slow pulse rates. Using the programmable gate, the meter is able
to display pulse rates as slow as 1 pulse every 9,999 seconds (0.0001 Hz). The gate function can also be
used to obtain a steady display reading with a fluctuating input signal.
There are two settings for the Gate, low gate (LO GaTE) and high gate (HI GATE).
Low Gate (LO GATE)
For most applications, low gate setting should be left at 1 second. Increase low gate setting to obtain a
steadier rate display. The rate display will update in accordance with the low gate setting, for example if
low gate is set at 10, the display will update every 10 seconds; changes in rate between updates will not
be reflected until next display update. The low gat may be set from 1 to 99 seconds.
To enter the Low Gate, press Enter to select Low Gate (LO GATE) and program the gate setting in
seconds. See Setting Numeric Values on page 24 for more information.